Enhancing wildlife habitat
Timber harvests can create and enhance habitat for wildlife. Animals like ruffed grouse and sun-loving trees like aspen rely on open areas with lots of sun. Other animals, such as snowshoe hare and woodcock, rely on the young, regenerating forest that is present after cutting.Maintaining a Healthy forest
When trees become infected with diseases or pests, they sometimes need to be removed to keep the disease from spreading to other trees. Removing weak or poorly-formed trees gives the others additional light and space, allowing them to grow faster.Timber Harvesting
One important component of sustainable forestry is the periodic harvesting of trees. In addition to providing forest products, supporting the local economy, and enhancing wildlife habitat, a benefit of timber harvests can also provide protection from wildfire.A source of Forest Products
Trees provide many of life's necessities, including pulp for paper and lumber for our homes and furniture. By practicing sustainable forestry it ensures high quality timber both now and in the future.Sustainable Forestry
It's a holistic approach that aims to maintain forests as healthy ecosystems that will provide economic, ecological and social benefits for years to come. Keeping an ecosystem healthy includes management for wildlife habitat, aesthetics, soil and water quality, native biological diversity, recreational opportunities and forest products. Another important component of sustainable forestry is the periodic harvesting of trees.
Land Clearing
Lot Clearing
View Cuts
Emergency Tree Removal at local ski area
Credit to: https://www.concordmonitor.com/My-Turn-The-benefits-of-timber-harvesting-46524100
Credit to: https://blog.nhstateparks.org/animal-of-interest-moose/